Your four year-old is making big moves. In no time they’re going from learning letters to learning words and they are going from using scissors to being able to measure in cooking class. They’re asking questions nonstop and want to do more and more by themselves. It’s an important time as they acquire crucial skills for Kindergarten. We have separate classrooms for three and four year-olds, but our focus is the same-to help them develop a love of learning and easily assimilate into elementary school.
Preschool provides a wonderful opportunity to allow children the freedom to develop and grow in independence and confidence. We provide the gentle, nurturing structure and guidance to teach them to sit and listen for longer periods of time. However, we never lose sight of the fact that your four year-old is still a preschooler, and we shape our curriculum and our expectations accordingly. Our teachers are well-acquainted with the milestones for four year-olds and pay careful attention to your child’s development. This enables us to gear activities towards helping them achieve important learning objectives and social skills.
Our Preschool classroom is big, bright and cheery print rich environment. There is a lot of room to explore and create. The room is arranged into center-based learning environments that enable your child to follow their interests to the Block Building Center, Language Arts Center, Dramatic Play Center or one of many others. These learning areas are filled with fun and age-appropriate puzzles, manipulatives, games and toys.
As your child is learning and growing, you will want to follow their progress closely. It’s a wonderful time to feel connected to your child, too, as they’re starting to read and learn fun things. We make it easy for you to be involved in our program:
- Progress Reports and Conferences: Twice a year we evaluate your child in writing with a progress report and conferences are always available.
- Sharing: We encourage you to share your career, culture and family traditions with our class.
- Parent Involvement: Stop in and volunteer to help at lunch, read to a class, or help the teacher create learning materials. Just as we have hundreds of activities for children, we have tons of ways that you can participate in our learning community.